Proud ACCPA Member

Proud ACCPA Member

We're improving the way we deliver the NDIS

We're improving the way we deliver the NDIS

What is NDIS ?

The NDIS provides funding to eligible people with disability to gain more time with family and friends, greater independence, access to new skills, jobs, or volunteering in their community, and an improved quality of life. 

The NDIS also connects anyone with disability to services in their community.

This includes connections to doctors, community groups, sporting clubs, support groups, libraries and schools, as well as p

How the NDIS works

The NDIS provides funding to eligible people based on their individual needs. Every NDIS participant has an individual plan that lists their goals and the funding they have received. NDIS participants use their funding to purchase supports and services that will help them pursue their goals.

The NDIS eligibility criteria includes:

  • Aged under 65
  • Living in Australia and be an Australian citizen or have Australian residency
  • You must meet the disability requirements

If you meet these criteria and are therefore eligible for NDIS funding, you become a participant. If you do not meet these criteria, you can still receive help to access government and community services.

    +61 3 9402 9533

    NDIS Services